CENTRE COUNTY, Pa. -- A former State College psychologist has been sentenced to a minimum of three years in jail after allegedly sexually assaulting a minimum of two female patients.

The original charges happened over a decade ago and the case against Dr. Richard Scott Lenhart has been ongoing for the past few years.

Lenhart was in court Thursday morning for behavior that officials have described as a "sexually violent predator."

Officials said that Lenhart charged health insurers over $70,000 for the psychiatrist sessions he held with the victims.

Lenhart claimed that the two patients were treated with what he termed as, "touching and holding therapy."

According to the two women, the sessions turned sexually abusive and included Lenhart requesting them to call him "dad."

Lenhart pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault misdemeanors and was also accused of insurance fraud after submitting over 700 insurance claims.
