The price of fishing licenses could increase in the next year.

Channel 6 spoke with an official from the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission about the potential price hike and were told the price of a fishing license might increase, for the same reason the price of almost everything else seems to have increased – inflation.

At the 152nd Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission meeting Wednesday, the idea of increasing the price of fishing licenses was discussed.

“Today's step was for the board to give that preliminary approval which means it was the first step that, the first time they said okay we agree this is a good idea,” says Mike Parker, the Communications Director within the P.A. Fish and Boat Commission.

But before you worry, Parker said if this gets approved by the State Legislature, it would go into affect for the 2024 fishing season.

Parker mentioned, “2023 fees are already set and if you purchase you license between now and the end of this season the prices are as they are.”

Some anglers may recall this is the second year in a row the P.A. Fish and Boat Commission is looking to increase some of the more popular licenses - such as a fishing license and trout permit to two dollars and fifty cents more.

“Just like everything else, the Fish and Boat Commission is not immune to, you know, the rise in costs of everything that we do that operate. To offer programs and opportunities all across the state,” said Parker. “In order to maintain that level of service that the anglers deserve and come to expect. Were just trying to keep up with the price of business if you will.”

Parker told 6 News, many people don’t know the P.A. Fish and Boat Commission does not receive any general tax dollars.

“Were funded solely by the users of what we do, the anglers and boaters of Pennsylvania. So, when you buy your fishing license, that’s our main source of funding,” explained Parker. “For an entire years’ worth of fishing this is, you know, pennies per day.”

A public comment period is required before a decision is made by lawmakers.

No date has yet been set for a public hearing.
