BEDFORD – Arrest warrants were served Tuesday on nine accused drug dealers during an early-morning raid in Bedford County.
The Bedford County Drug Task Force, as well as the Pennsylvania State Police, conducted the raid beginning at 7 a.m.
The defendants were arraigned throughout the morning at the office of Magisterial District Judge Kathy Calhoun.
“Operation April Showers” culminated a 12-month drug task force investigation into local drug-trafficking operations that began at the conclusion of “Operation Shamrock Shackles” in March 2016, during which 21 suspected drug dealers were apprehended.
“It is sad to see so many young people involved in drug activity. It is ruining lives,” District Attorney Bill Higgins said. "Many of these men and women are addicts who have turned to selling to fund their habits.
“With that in mind, if they are serious about wanting to get help, we will certainly offer them opportunities to address their addiction issues.” "
The defendants arrested in “Operation April Showers” are charged with dealing a variety of drugs, including heroin, methamphetamine and prescription pills.
Tuesday's raid involved accused drug dealers ranging in age from 20 to 37 years of age, this morning’s drug raid involved drug dealers from various locations throughout Bedford County, including Everett, Bedford, Woodbury and Broad Top, as well as a few from Blair and Huntingdon counties.
Police had arrest warrants for the following nine individuals:
Brandon Jacob Clark, 21, Bedford, heroin;
Megan Sue Butler, 25, Woodbury, methamphetamine, bail set at $50,000;
Dean Allen Camerer, 35, Roaring Spring, Suboxone, bail set at $25,000;
Matthew Fessler, 34, James Creek, methamphetamine, bail set at $30,000;
Chance Williams, 20, Bedford, pills and heroin;
Calvin Andrew Bush, 23, Bedford, pills;
Joshua Pabon, 25, Everett, fentanyl;
William Joseph Myers, 37, Broad Top, methamphetamine;
Shannon Michelle Smith, 28, Robertsdale, methamphetamine.
In addition to those arrests, the following individuals are being charged with misdemeanor drug offenses, and will receive a summons by mail:
Robert Wright, 44, Bedford, possession of synthetic marijuana;
Shaun Marshall, 46, Everett, possession of Oxycontin;
Brittney Dodd, 30, Bedford, possession of drug paraphernalia.