Governor Wolf recently signed into law Act 90 of 2022 which in part amends Title 75 to implement “Christine’s Law” which further regulates the removal of snow and ice from vehicles.
Championed by Senator Lisa Boscola, “Christine’s Law” seeks to prevent tragedies like the death of Christine Lambert of Palmer Township who was killed on Christmas Day 2005, by a large piece of ice which crashed through her windshield after dislodging from a passing box truck.
The previous regulation which has been repealed from Title 75, only imposed a fine of $200-$1,000 on drivers if snow or ice dislodged or fell from their moving vehicle and struck another vehicle or pedestrian causing serious bodily injury or death.
“Christine’s Law” amends Title 75 to require individuals driving on Commonwealth highways to make reasonable efforts to remove ice or snow from the hood, trunk, and roof of the vehicle within 24 hours after the cessation of the falling snow or ice.
Drivers who violate this requirement may be stopped on a highway by police if they believe the accumulated ice or snow may pose a threat to people or property and fined $50 regardless of whether any snow or ice dislodges from the vehicle.
In the event snow or ice dislodges or falls from a moving vehicle and strikes another vehicle or pedestrian resulting in serious bodily injury or death, the fine has been increased to $200-$1,500 for each offense.
The amendment does carve out exceptions for busses, mass transit, and carrier vehicles if:
- The vehicle is driving to a facility to remove accumulated ice or snow at the time of the stop;
- Compliance would cause the driver to violate Federal or State laws or regulations regarding workplace safety; or
- Doing so would threaten the health and safety of the driver.
Act 90 of 2022 was signed into law on Monday, July 11, and the Act which includes “Christine’s Law” will go into effect in 60 days.