At the Punxsutawney Festival in the Park there's a lot of activity going on this 4th of July Weekend. But one thing you don't see, according to some of the vendors, is a lot of people wearing masks.

The Punxsutawney Festival in the Park kicked off last weekend.

Some vendors I spoke with said it took a lot of preparation to avoid the coronavirus.

For Patrick Villela, Owner of Villela's Meats, he said he's got masks, bleach and is taking every precaution to avoid the virus.

He said a lot of people are scared to leave their homes and they don't want to wear masks in 90 degree heat.

When asked if he's seen people wear masks today in light of Governor Wolf's mandatory mask order, he said some people are and some people aren't.

For another business owner, she hasn't seen a lot of masks being worn as well.

"There's a lot of people I talked to that don't want to come because they're afraid but then there's a lot of people without masks," said Donna Maines-Martin, Owner Groundhog Winery.

"Some people are some people aren't. Gov Wolf seems to be good job and we should just do what he says and try to hit protocol as best we can," said Villela.

As directed by the Secretary of Health and Gov. Wolf, if you are outside and unable to social distance, wear a mask.
