For 25 years, Michelle Shaffer with the Johnstown Area Cancer Survivor’s Organization has worked to honor those affected by cancer in the area.

This year, hundreds of cancer survivors and their families gathered at the Masonic Temple in Johnstown to celebrate at no cost.

“We do a luncheon with a DJ, door prizes. It’s just a fun day for people to get away from their diagnosis of cancer, their treatments, and have a good time,” says Shaffer.

She says the luncheon, which was completely free for all attendees, is not a reminder of their diagnosis, but a celebration of life.

“I worked with cancer patients for 30 years, and I’ve always seen them on the inpatient side where they’re getting their treatments and all the side effects that they go through, and now I get to see them where they’re having a good time and their normal life,” Shaffer says.

Shaffer says the event provides a great opportunity for survivors to connect with one another.

She says, “Probably half the people that are in there have been here for the last couple years, so it’s nice to see them coming back and coming back and doing well.”

Shaffer says she’s already looking forward to next year’s celebration.
