COALPORT -- The cleanup continues after flooding swept through parts of western Pennsylvania this week. One of the areas hit hardest was Coalport in Clearfield County.
Neighbors said it came fast but it caused a lot of damage to basements, businesses and street corners.
Water still flows through the town of Coalport and onto Main Street as cars splash through puddles.
The fire department is doing their part to drain some areas and clean debris off the sidewalks.
Borough council member Joe Adam said the cleanup is going well.
"There's a lot of these people that they brought their equipment in and are volunteering their time to help get stuff cleaned up, and we really do appreciate all the help we've got so far," Adam said.
The mayor declared a state of emergency, but according to Adam, he said there's not enough damage and businesses affected for Pennsylvania Emergency Management to get involved.
"Biggest concern is to get the businesses and stuff on Main Street back and taken care of that way,” Adam said.
Brother’s Pizza was one of the businesses hit the hardest.
Saturday, volunteers helped take buckets of muck out of the basement.
"When the water (came) down the street yesterday, (it) washed their parking lot away, along with debris from everywhere else,” volunteer Schott Shipley said.
Brother’s Pizza co-owner Jeff Shaw said the basement received about 5 feet of water within 20 minutes.
"I don't even know how to start figuring out the dollar signs. Honestly I don't. Right now that's the least of the worries. We'll rebuild," Shaw said.
As many try to clean up the mess left by the flooding, The Red Cross is also helping out. They went door-to-door to help those affected.
"I'm Keith. This is Samantha. We're from the American Red Cross,” volunteer Keith Natoli told two neighbors. “We're just kind of checking with people in the neighborhood to see how you fared during the flooding."
Chris Jasper said his basement was completely flooded, so Natoli went to his car and returned with supplies.
"This has got the mop, a sanitizer, the bucket in it. So everything you need in there,” Natoli said. “And here's a fan for you to dry (the basement.) You definitely want to get your basement dried out as quick as possible."
Jasper said he’s grateful for the help.
"Oh it definitely will help out. I'm so thankful they're helping everybody out by giving everybody these," Jasper said.
It was an unexpected flood that hit Coalport, but those who live there say they'll cleanup and rebuild.
"You live on a hill. You don't expect this. But things happen. You move on," Jasper said.
The Red Cross says they will be closing the service delivery site at St. Basil church Saturday, but if anyone needs assistance, they can call the Red Cross to request assistance at 814-371-2750. Select option 1.