Clearfield County, PA (WJAC) — The Clearfield County Fair is scheduled to start early next week with the official kickoff parade Monday. But this year, the fair board is making some changes as to what is acceptable on the parade route.
“Not throwing candy from a moving vehicle along the parade route,” says Clearfield County Fair Manager Greg Hallstrom.
It's a rule, fair officials say, that has been on the books for years, but hasn't been enforced until now.
“This year, due to liability reasons, we need to enforce that,” Hallstrom says. “That does not mean that you cannot throw candy. It means you cannot throw it from the vehicle. You can walk along the float or the firetruck or whatever.”
Even though you can still hand out candy and other things during the parade, just not from a moving car, one Clearfield County business has decided to not to participate this year.
“I myself did not want to but my employees in a position where they had to walk up to a person and hand them a T-shirt and then the person beside them looked at them and say where is mine,” said Impact Ink owner Adena Kephart. “It just didn't seem fair for us to be put in that position.”
Kephert says she understands why the decision was made to enforce the rule and says she will still support her county fair, just not during the parade.
"We are donating can koozies with the church's name on it along with ours so when we hand out the bottles of water, we will also be giving them a can koozie,” Kephert said. “So we will still be participating that way and of course we will all still be going to the fair. We can't miss the fair.The fair board hopes that even with the change, residents and visitors still come out and support the fair, which is a huge fundraiser for the county.
“So, it does have a great impact,” Hallstrom says. “We fill the hotels, the restaurants in town see an increase, the local taverns see an increase and just the regular stores downtown are seeing an increase every year during our fair.”
For a full schedule of events for the Clearfield County Fair, click here.